Friday, February 10, 2012

Photo Safari to Mississippi River Towns south of St Louis Mo

This trip started on a dreary grey cloudy day the guys were kinda upset with this but I looked forward to it cause I knew I could get some great cloud shots in my photos
Butch, Dozer and myself climbed into the Bait Mobile and headed southwest,,,,, First Stop was to Cahokia Illinois to photograph Illinois oldest Church ,,,then we crossed the Mississippi River and started heading south our next stop was in Kimswick Mo where we found lots of cool old buildings and stuff to photograph,,,,then lunch,,, We had a mediocre BBQ lunch at Bandannas in Crystal City then we headed to Ste. Genevieve Mo we shot pics around there and then took the $12 ferry ride back over to Illinois ,,,on the way home we stopped at the Antique mall along I55 that has the spaceship and giant elephant ,tricycle and other abnormalys scattered amongst the yard of the old schoolhouse yard

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